//check for exist variable
}, ['cookie']);
//run suddenly after this js (handle) has loaded
console.log("~~ ready js-cookie")
//execute when user got interactive such as mouse move, click,scroll..
_log('@when interactive');
To know JS, CSS name (handle) you can right-click on your page > select "View page source" > find the JS or CSS URL you want to find the handle name. You can see id="example-xxx-js" or id="example-yyy-css" => the "example-xxx" and "example-yyy" will be JS handle name or CSS handle name of that JS/CSS file.
We will merge all JS and CSS to one file and load it lazy a bit. You can also find the original JS files by adding parameters ?merge_js=0 at the end of the URL. Same for CSS ?merge_css=0
In addition, you may want to specify which JS code will run immediately and delay until the user interacts on the web page.
Before executing any Javascript code, there is a core inline JS that is placed at the top of the page. And you will want to append your inline js after it, then use hpp_print_initjs hook - an example: